Found 26 Results
Min, D., Fischer, P.F., Pearlstein, A.J.
2020Intl. J. Heat Mass Transfer159119740
Review article
E. Routoula; S. V. Patwardhan
2020Environmental Science and Technology54(2)647-664
Zhang, Y., Barrouillet, B. and Skadsem, H.J.
2023Scientific Reports1321120
Scale1e-6 to 1e-3 m / 1 to 60 s
Hu, J. and Tao, T.
2022Chemical Engineering Research & Design182428-437
Scale1e-3 to 1 m / 1e-3 to 1 s, 1 to 60 s
Ishiyama, E.M., Paterson, W.R., Wilson, D.I.
2014Heat Transfer Engineering35(3)311-326
Scale1e-3 m, 1e-3 to 1 m / 1 to 24 hours, 1 to 30 days, 1 to 12 months, greater than 1 year
Hunek, B., Cussler, E.L.
Scale1e-6 to 1e-3 m / 1e-3 to 1 s, 1 to 60 s, 1 to 60 min
Chambless, J.D., Stewart, P.S.
2007Biotechnology and Bioengineering97(6)1573-1584
Scale1e-6 m, 1e-6 to 1e-3 m, 1e-3 m / 1e-3 to 1 s, 1 to 60 s, 1 to 60 min
Xavier, J. de B., Picioreanu, C., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M.
2005Biotechnology and Bioengineering91(6)651-669
Scale1e-6 m, 1e-6 to 1e-3 m, 1e-3 m / 1e-3 to 1 s, 1 to 60 s, 1 to 60 min
Etzold, M.A., Landel, J.R., Dalziel, S.B.
2020International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer153119504
Scale1e-6 to 1e-3 m, 1e-3 m, 1e-3 to 1 m / 1e-3 to 1 s, 1 to 60 s, 1 to 60 min, 1 to 24 hours
Sahu, K.C., Ding, H., Valluri, P., Matar, O.K.
2009Physics of Fluids21043603
Sahu, K.C., Ding, H., Valluri, P., Matar, O.K.
2009Physics of Fluids21042104
Ding, H., Gilani, M.N.H., Spelt, P.D.M.
2010Journal of Fluid Mechanics644217–244

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