The Roadmap for Quantitative Modelling of Cleaning and Decontamination is published today! The Organizers of the ModCaD Workshop are delighted to share the outcomes of this EPSRC-funded workshop in this brief Roadmap, which reflects the contributions from all the workshop participants.
The Roadmap shows the importance of cleaning and decontamination activities across a broad range of socio-economic sectors and in daily life. It captures the expertise and state-of-the art in terms of the fundamental understanding of the underpinning science behind cleaning and decontamination activities, as well as its practical implementation. The Roadmap also highlights shortcomings and critical needs in the field at the scientific and practical levels. We present short-term and long-term strategies to address these needs.
The Roadmap proposes a 10 year plan for investment from UK Research councils and government agencies in partnership with industry. This plan focusses on four areas:
- Communication: developing tools such as the ModCaD website to promote existing and ongoing research, and communicate about the importance of a quantitative approach to cleaning and decontamination.
- Community: building a strong UK-led international network of researchers and practitioners; organising regular meeting to discuss recent research advances; and forums to identify specific socio-economic needs.
- Training: preparing the next generation of researchers and experts on cleaning and decontamination, through a Doctoral Training Centre, and encouraging research fellowships in the field.
- Science base: lobbying government and industry for research funding, in addition to responding to relevant UK or European calls.
Share the Roadmap with anyone who may find it valuable, and do get in touch with us if you wish to support the above activities, or if you have any questions.