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Scale1e-6 to 1e-3 m / 1e-3 to 1 s, 1 to 60 s
CategoryNumerical simulations
Review article
Keywordscavity flow, decontamination, elasticity theory, fingering instabilities, flow displacement, flow-structure interaction, Hele-Shaw flows, interfacial dynamics, lubrication theory, pattern formation
Scale1e-9 to 1e-6 m, 1e-6 m, 1e-6 to 1e-3 m / 1e-3 to 1 s, 1 to 60 s
Scale1e-6 to 1e-3 m, 1e-3 m, 1e-3 to 1 m / 1e-3 to 1 s, 1 to 60 s, 1 to 60 min, 1 to 24 hours